Sometimes, even when “good guys” hire a SEO company, the company spams and gets caught – resulting in BAD RANKING! Some businesses can spam, without aid of a SEO company, and still act as if they are the “good guys”. One might have to go through difficult processes and/or reconsideration requests to clean things up.
In the future, before signing up with a SEO company, always do research, ask for references, and have them fully explain their strategy.
Can a “good guy” stand a chance without going to black hat forums, trying to spam, resorting to hijinks and tricks – techniques what are not going to work from now on on Google.
Google has put out a new “Webmaster Help video” titled, “Can sites do well without using spammy techniques?”. And the answer is – YES! Small sites and businesses will take longer to get good links, but those links will likely stand the test of time.